Hello everyone! I’m going to show you a Genetic Algorithm for precedence-constrained production sequencing and scheduling problem.
This is a highly constrained optimization problem but Genetic Algorithm can handle this complexity.
In this video, first, I show you the problem description, and then I will show you some genetic operators such as chromosome encoding, crossover, mutation, evaluation, and selection. Next, I will run the Genetic Algorithm in Matlab to demonstrate its performance. Finally, I show you the details of the Matlab code so that you can copy, and customize it to solve your problems.
For more videos like this, check my YouTube channel here.
File 1: population.m
function [y0 y1]= population(n)
F1=zeros(1,40); % Generate zero matrix
F2 = F1;
F3 = F1;
% Labor requirement
L=[22 25 31 31 28 36 14 25 19 23 27 13 18 35 33 19 33 30 24 24 34 32 24 15 30 30 14 28 36 31 15 25 31 15 23 25 31 17 22 21];
% Material requirement
M =[6 86 55 88 63 11 6 6 77 47 73 72 19 42 22 73 56 65 59 22 42 32 56 19 29 42 34 84 18 31 83 35 89 47 65 16 31 48 68 59];
% Cost to produce the part
C=[15 21 22 8 10 13 11 3 24 23 3 6 3 10 3 14 3 2 2 1 18 16 5 19 1 4 8 12 6 6 22 1 6 16 15 23 11 17 16 11];
% Minimum number of parts required to produce
np = 12;
% Cost of running company per hour ($k)
cc = 0.17;
% Labor available
la = 650;
% Material available
ma = 1100;
% Working capital available
wa = 400;
% Product changeover
po = 2;
for k=1:n
while tt < np
% Randomly generate chromosome
% Cut the chromosome based on labor constraint
A1(1) = L(I(1));
while sum(A1) <= la % labor in hours limited
if I(i1) ==I(i1-1) % no changeover time
A1(i1)=L(I(i1))+po; % changeover time involved
% The feasible chromosome based on labor
F1(k,1:i1-2)=I(1:i1-2); % the number of part selected to produce is i1-2
% Cut the chromosome based on material constraint
A2(1) = M(I(1));
while sum(A2) <= ma % material available
% The feasible chromosome based on material
F2(k,1:i2-2)=I(1:i2-2); % the number of part selected to produce is i2-2
% Cut the chromosome based on working capital constraint
A3(1) = C(I(1));
while sum(A3) <= wa % working capital constraint
if I(i3) ==I(i3-1) % no changeover time
g=po; % changeover time involved
A3(i3)=C(I(i3))+ cc*(L(I(i3))+ g); % Including producing cost and running company cost
% The feasible chromosome based on material
F3(k,1:i3-2)=I(1:i3-2); % the number of part selected to produce is i3-2
% Final chromosome that satisfies all of above constraints is determined as follows
p=min(f); % the position to cut the initial chromosome
% The following commands ensure at least 12 different parts to be selected
% p - cutting point
for i=1:40;
for j=1:p
if I(j)==i
tt=sum(sum(B)); % total number of different parts
%disp('It is noted that the chromosome before cutting operation is y0 and chromosome after cutting operation is y1');
File 2: crossover.m
function y= crossover(y0,y1,t)
F=zeros(2*t,40); % Generate zero matrix
% Labor requirement
L=[22 25 31 31 28 36 14 25 19 23 27 13 18 35 33 19 33 30 24 24 34 32 24 15 30 30 14 28 36 31 15 25 31 15 23 25 31 17 22 21];
% Material requirement
M =[6 86 55 88 63 11 6 6 77 47 73 72 19 42 22 73 56 65 59 22 42 32 56 19 29 42 34 84 18 31 83 35 89 47 65 16 31 48 68 59];
% Cost to produce the part
C=[15 21 22 8 10 13 11 3 24 23 3 6 3 10 3 14 3 2 2 1 18 16 5 19 1 4 8 12 6 6 22 1 6 16 15 23 11 17 16 11];
% Minimum number of parts required to produce
np = 12;
% Cost of running company per hour ($k)
cc = 0.17;
% Labor available
la = 650;
% Material available
ma = 1100;
% Working capital available
wa = 400;
% Product changeover
po = 2;
[r c]=size(y0);
for i=1:t
while (tt1 < np) | (tt2 < np)
% Randomly select two parent chromosomes from initial populations (y0) for
% crossover operation
File 3: mutation.m
function y= mutation(y0,y1,t)
F=zeros(1,40); % Generate zero matrix
% Labor requirement
L=[22 25 31 31 28 36 14 25 19 23 27 13 18 35 33 19 33 30 24 24 34 32 24 15 30 30 14 28 36 31 15 25 31 15 23 25 31 17 22 21];
% Material requirement
M =[6 86 55 88 63 11 6 6 77 47 73 72 19 42 22 73 56 65 59 22 42 32 56 19 29 42 34 84 18 31 83 35 89 47 65 16 31 48 68 59];
% Cost to produce the part
C=[15 21 22 8 10 13 11 3 24 23 3 6 3 10 3 14 3 2 2 1 18 16 5 19 1 4 8 12 6 6 22 1 6 16 15 23 11 17 16 11];
% Minimum number of parts required to produce
np = 12;
% Cost of running company per hour ($k)
cc = 0.17;
% Labor available
la = 650;
% Material available
ma = 1100;
% Working capital available
wa = 400;
% Product changeover
po = 2;
for i=1:t
% Randomly select two parent chromosomes from initial populations (y0) for
% mutation operation
[r c]=size(y0);
if h(1)==h(2)
h=round(1+(r-1)*abs(rand(1,2))); % to reduce probability of getting two same numbers
I(1,:)=y0(h(1),:); % Selected parent 1
I(2,:)=y0(h(2),:); % Selected parent 2
while (tt1 <np)| (tt2 < np)
File 4: evaluation.m
function y=evaluation(W)
[u v]=size(W);
for e=1:u
% Labor requirement
L=[22 25 31 31 28 36 14 25 19 23 27 13 18 35 33 19 33 30 24 24 34 32 24 15 30 30 14 28 36 31 15 25 31 15 23 25 31 17 22 21];
% Cost to produce the part
C=[15 21 22 8 10 13 11 3 24 23 3 6 3 10 3 14 3 2 2 1 18 16 5 19 1 4 8 12 6 6 22 1 6 16 15 23 11 17 16 11];
% Cost of running company per hour ($k)
cc = 0.17;
% Price to sell the part
P=[30 44 50 20 30 20 23 9 55 45 10 14 8 22 9 22 8 7 9 8 33 40 22 45 2 9 16 23 9 10 30 9 12 20 30 31 22 25 22 27];
% Deadline of the parts
DL=[30 25 10 20 25 15 30 10 25 10 25 20 5 10 25 15 5 25 10 15 25 30 25 30 15 25 20 25 30 10 15 30 5 20 10 15 20 5 30 25];
% Product changeover
po = 2;
% Labor available
la = 650;
% Determine total income (I)
for i = 1:v
if x(i) >0
A(1,i) = P(x(i));
I = sum(A);
% Determine total cost of producing parts (CP)
for j = 1:v
if x(j) >0
B(1,j) = C(x(j));
CP = sum(B);
File 5: selection.m
function y = selection(A,B,p)
[m n]=size(A);
% Determine total fitness for the population
% Determine selection probability
% Determine cumulative probability
E= cumsum(D);
% Generate a vector constaining normalised random numbers
% Select the chromosomes for new population using roulette wheel approach
[r1 c1]=find(B==max(B));
F(1,:)=A(max(c1),:); % select the best one first
while d2 <= p-1
File 6: GA.m
clear all
close all
% Number of generation required
g= 1000;
% Population size
p =100;
% Number of pairs of chromosomes required for crossover
% Number of pairs of chromosomes required for mutation
% Generate the zeros matrix
% Randomly generate the initial population
[y0 A0]=population(p);
for i=1:g
% Crossover operation
% Mutation operation
% Extended population
Sorry! This is only a half of the code.
Notice: It’s possible to watch the video and re-type the Matlab code yourself – that would take you from 1 to 3 hours; or with just €1.99 (the cost of a cup of coffee), you can download/copy the whole Matlab code within 2 minutes. It’s your choice to make.
Original price is €4.99 but today it’s only €1.99 (save €3 today – available for a limited time only)
Download the whole Matlab code here (Membership Code ID: 002)
No need to build the Matlab code from scratch because it’s very time-consuming. My idol, Jim Rohn, once said: “Time is more value than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time”. If you think this code can be used in your research/teaching work, you should download it and then customize/modify/apply it to your work, without any obligation of citing the original source if you don’t want. However, redistribution (i.e., downloading the code/script here and then making it available on another site on the Internet) is strictly prohibited.
If you have any question or problem, please contact Dr. Panda by email: learnwithpanda2018@gmail.com
Thank you very much and good luck with your research!
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View Comments
Hello SIR,
Firstly loved your work. I am in my Masters, working in the field of evolutionary algorithms on sequencing and scheduling problems. Your video really gave me insight into S&S. I wanted to ask from where did you find this problem. Can you help me with the problem source? Also, where can I find data about sequencing and scheduling problems?
Thanks in adavance
Hello, the data of this problem came from me - my imagination.
Dear sir can you help me same filed as you study for scheduling and planning using genetic algorithm
my email is alemusegen@gmail.com from India Delhi
Thanks for your interest. Sorry, currently I am not available for that
Dear sir can you help me to solving cell formation problem by particles swarm optimization. My email dhulfiqar36@gmail.com
I can't solve specific problems but my customize my PSO code to solve problems in your fields.
I need a code to solve the cell formation problems (machines and parts)
You may customize my adaptive GA to solve your problems