TSP Solver (Easy and Effective)

Hello everyone! In this post, I’m going to demonstrate the power of TSP solver (Travelling Salesman Problem solver) in Matlab for solving an instance with 95 cities. I think this is the easiest method to solve the travelling salesman problems because it takes only 2 minutes to set up and minimum programming skill is required. If you want to download this Matlab code, check the file at the end of this post.

To solve new instances, we just need to update the data on the locations of the cities in this file. You can remove or add cities to this file but don’t change this matrix format.

Let’s see the performance of this TSP solver in solving an instance with 95 cities.

For more videos like this, check my YouTube channel here.

Matlab code


       % city  x-coordinate  y-coordinate
city_location =[1	    0.8262    0.7081	
                2	    0.4364    0.5108	
                3	    1.3394    0.8963	
                4	    0.0772    0.4408	
                5	    0.9737    0.2785	
                6	    1.0144    0.5909	
                7	    0.0360    0.5589	
                8	    0.3889    0.4151	
                9	    0.4253    0.6931	
                10	    0.6607    0.1569	
                11	    0.8170    0.7803	
                12	    0.4595    0.2220	
                13	    1.3543    0.8458	
                14	    0.9801    0.5578	
                15	    0.5423    0.2251	
                16	    0.6098    0.4689	
                17	    0.4039    0.2918	
                18	    0.6865    0.8605	
                19	    0.8794    0.2835	
                20	    0.4170    0.4546	
                21	    0.7254    0.3622	
                22	    1.0366    0.6892	
                23	    0.5604    0.6681	
                24	    0.5098    0.5728	
                25	    0.4887    0.4451	
                26	    1.0372    0.6505	
                27	    1.0859    0.4751	
                28	    0.1939    0.5533	
                29	    1.0224    0.5410	
                30	    1.0608    0.2639	
                31	    1.0895    0.4802	
                32	    1.2632    0.7448	
                33	    0.9505    0.3659	
                34	    0.8293    0.1964	
                35	    0.2881    0.7257	
                36	    1.2765    0.5436	
                37	    0.1347    0.4889	
                38	    0.7276    0.4553	
                39	    0.1104    0.8924	
                40	    0.3141    0.7307	
                41	    0.9767    0.4790	
                42	    0.4122    0.6522	
                43	    0.1243    0.9597	
                44	    0.8111    0.8375	
                45	    1.0907    0.3591	
                46	    0.4707    0.4196	
                47	    1.3202    0.7990	
                48	    1.0482    0.4825	
                49	    0.4306    0.8337	
                50	    1.3083    0.0921	
                51	    0.3239    0.8318	
                52	    0.4189    0.4308	
                53	    1.2554    0.5347	
                54	    1.1625    0.2308	
                55	    1.1141    0.3047	
                56	    0.7752    0.1563	
                57	    0.2757    0.4364	
                58	    0.7467    0.5833	
                59	    0.9308    0.3728	
                60	    0.9281    0.1572	
                61	    0.4133    0.7987	
                62	    0.3645    0.4795	
                63	    0.6923    0.1625	
                64	    0.8672    0.6948	
                65	    0.6591    0.3720	
                66	    0.3416    0.8148	
                67	    0.3965    0.4103	
                68	    0.2179    0.7020	
                69	    0.8506    0.6116	
                70	    1.1035    0.6327	
                71	    0.6985    0.8571	
                72	    0.2588    0.8284	
                73	    1.0140    0.4459	
                74	    1.0074    0.4604	
                75	    0.3779    0.9040	
                76	    1.0723    0.4144	
                77	    1.1030    0.4771	
                78	    0.7508    0.4176	
                79	    1.3797    0.8626	
                80	    0.7591    0.5679	
                81	    0.1724    0.7621	
                82	    0.2598    0.5338	
                83	    0.9135    0.4912	
                84	    0.9468    0.5770	
                85	    0.9760    0.5432	
                86	    0.6780    0.5350	
                87	    0.6479    0.1021	
                88	    0.7744    0.5702	
                89	    1.2359    0.4867	
                90	    1.1169    0.5528
                91	    0.3591    0.5679	
                92	    0.1724    0.7021	
                93	    0.2598    0.5338	
                94	    0.3135    0.4912	
                95	    0.9468    0.2770];	


close all
clear all
%Original source: https://www.mathworks.com
hold on
Cities % import the data stored in matrix: city_location
nStops = max(city_location(:,1)); 
stopsLon = city_location(:,2);
stopsLat = city_location(:,3);
idxs = nchoosek(1:nStops,2);
dist = hypot(stopsLat(idxs(:,1)) - stopsLat(idxs(:,2)), ...
             stopsLon(idxs(:,1)) - stopsLon(idxs(:,2)));
lendist = length(dist);
Aeq = spones(1:length(idxs)); 
beq = nStops;
Aeq = [Aeq;spalloc(nStops,length(idxs),nStops*(nStops-1))]; 
for ii = 1:nStops
    whichIdxs = (idxs == ii); 
    whichIdxs = sparse(sum(whichIdxs,2)); 
    Aeq(ii+1,:) = whichIdxs'; 
beq = [beq; 2*ones(nStops,1)];
intcon = 1:lendist;
lb = zeros(lendist,1);
ub = ones(lendist,1);
opts = optimoptions('intlinprog','Display','off');
segments = find(x_tsp); 
lh = zeros(nStops,1); 
lh = updateSalesmanPlot(lh,x_tsp,idxs,stopsLon,stopsLat);
tours = detectSubtours(x_tsp,idxs);
numtours = length(tours);
A = spalloc(0,lendist,0); 
b = [];
while numtours > 1 
    b = [b;zeros(numtours,1)];
    A = [A;spalloc(numtours,lendist,nStops)]; 
    for ii = 1:numtours
        rowIdx = size(A,1)+1; 
        subTourIdx = tours{ii}; 
        variations = nchoosek(1:length(subTourIdx),2);
        for jj = 1:length(variations)
            whichVar = and((sum(idxs==subTourIdx(variations(jj,1)),2)),...
            A(rowIdx,whichVar) = 1;
        b(rowIdx) = length(subTourIdx)-1; 
    [x_tsp,costopt,exitflag,output] = intlinprog(dist,intcon,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,opts);
    lh = updateSalesmanPlot(lh,x_tsp,idxs,stopsLon,stopsLat);
    tours = detectSubtours(x_tsp,idxs);
    numtours = length(tours);
% Convert from binary solution to string-like solution
[x y]=size(x_tsp);
k = 1;
for i = 1:x
    if x_tsp(i,1)~= 0
        k = k+1;
S(1,:) = [];
[x1 y1]=size(S);
[x2 y2]=size(AA);
for i = 1:x1
    [x3 y3]=find(S == AA(1,y2));
    if y3 == 1
        AA(1,y2+1) = S(x3,2);
        AA(1,y2+1) = S(x3,1);
    [x1 y1]=size(S);
    [x2 y2]=size(AA);
Optimal_solution = AA
min_total_distance = costopt
title('Final solution');
hold off
fprintf('The solution gap = ')
fprintf('Note: If the solution gap = 0, the global optimal solution is found')

P/s: If you find the post useful, share it to remember and to help other people as well.

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