Hello everyone and welcome!

In this video, I’m going to talk about optimization methods in general and compare different characteristics of deterministic and stochastic optimization methods. This comparison could help you choose the right optimization method to solve various optimization problems in your fields.

Let’s see.

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View Comments

  • My favorite algorithm is the ant colony optimization. Currently, I'm trying to apply it to a geophysical inversion problem.

  • Hi, am new student and eager to know and solve optimization problem using Polyblock Outer Approximation (PA) Algorithm are you familiar with this optimization techniques and any related materials and links am glad if u send? thank you for your time.

  • My favorite algorithm is the Coral Reef Algorithm and I want to use it to choose the features for the classification process. Please help me if you have information or the code for the algorithm.

  • Sir, I am familiar with PSO optimisation technique. please give me suggestions to optimize the following:
    1.) if given that y =sqrt(x);
    y1 = (a0+a1*exp(-x))/(b0+b1*exp(-x)) (1)
    optimize : J = y-y1 (2)
    find optimized value of a0, a1, b0 and b1 for given equation (2)

  • Hello, I'm a student and I'm working on test suite reduction technique for multiobjective. How I would develop new fitness function. can you help about it

  • Sir, I need a multi-objective traveling salesman problem MatLab in a different fuzzy environment...

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