Solving Optimization Problems

How to Find Pareto Optimal Solutions Using Matlab?

In this post, I’m going to show you a simple but very effective method to find Pareto optimal solutions for a multi objective optimization problem using Matlab. It is very easy, and minimum programming skill is required.

Here are the details of the benchmark problem to be solved in this video.

Let’s see how we find Pareto optimal solutions for this multi objective optimization problem.

For more videos like this, check my YouTube channel here.

Matlab Code


function YY = multi_objective_function(X)

for i = 1:2
    S1(i) = -10*exp(-0.2*sqrt(X(i).^2+X(i+1).^2));
F1 = sum(S1); % objective function 1

for i = 1:3
    S2(i) = abs(X(i)).^0.8 + 5*sin(X(i).^3);
F2 = sum(S2); % objective function 2

YY = [F1 F2];


function [x,fval,exitflag,output,population,score] = solving(nvars,lb,ub,PopulationSize_Data,MaxGenerations_Data)
%% This is an auto generated MATLAB file from Optimization Tool.

%% Start with the default options
options = optimoptions('gamultiobj');
%% Modify options setting
options = optimoptions(options,'PopulationSize', PopulationSize_Data);
options = optimoptions(options,'MaxGenerations', MaxGenerations_Data);
options = optimoptions(options,'CrossoverFcn', {  @crossoverintermediate [] });
options = optimoptions(options,'Display', 'off');
options = optimoptions(options,'PlotFcn', { @gaplotpareto });
[x,fval,exitflag,output,population,score] = ...


clear all
close all

nvars = 3;
lb = [-5 -5 -5];
ub = [5 5 5];
PopulationSize_Data = 200;
MaxGenerations_Data = 50;

[x,fval,exitflag,output,population,score] = solving(nvars,lb,ub,PopulationSize_Data,MaxGenerations_Data);

optimal_solution = x

P/s: If you find the post useful, share it to remember and to help other people as well.


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