In this post, as requested by one of our readers, I’m going to show you my Matlab code of Genetic Algorithm for solving travelling salesman problem (or TSP), in which the city locations are shown in a Google map.
This is a simple version because the Google map is fixed and static. If you need more advanced version in which the Google map is live and dynamic, please let me know by leaving a comment below.

Here are the locations of 15 major cities in France.

Let’s see how my Genetic Algorithm solves this TSP:
For more videos like this, check my YouTube channel here.

Matlab Code
function Y=population(n,nc)
% nc = number of citiest
% n = pop size
for j=1:n
[x y]=size(A);
for i = 1:nc
r = randi(y);
A(:,r) = [];
[x y]=size(A);
Y = B;
function YY=crossover(X,n)
% X = population
% n = number of chromosomes to be crossed
[x1 y1] = size(X);
Y = zeros(n,y1);
for z = 1:n
B = X(randi(x1),:); % select parent chromosome
r1 = 1 + randi(y1-1);
C = B(1,1:r1);
B(:,1:r1) = []; % cut
[x3 y3] = size(B);
B(1,y3+1:y1) = C;
Y(z,:) = B;
YY = Y;
function YY = mutation(X,n)
% X = population
% n = number of chromosomes to be mutated
[x1 y1]=size(X);
for z=1:n
A=X(randi(x1),:); % select parent chromosome
while r1(1)==r1(2)
YY = Y;
Sorry! This is only a part of the Matlab code.
Notice: It would take you from 1 to 3 hours to re-type the Matlab code yourself; or with just €3.99 (the cost of a cup of coffee), you can download/copy the whole Matlab code within 2 minutes. It’s your choice to make.
Original price is €6.99 but today it’s only €3.99 (save €3 today – available for a limited time only)
Download the whole Matlab code here (Membership Code ID: 026)
No need to build the Matlab code from scratch because it’s very time-consuming. My idol, Jim Rohn, once said: “Time is more value than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time”. If you think this code can be used in your research/teaching work, you should download it and then customize/modify/apply it to your work, without any obligation of citing the original source if you don’t want. However, redistribution (i.e., downloading the code/script here and then making it available on another site on the Internet) is strictly prohibited.
If you have any question or problem, please contact Dr. Panda by email:
Thank you very much and good luck with your research!
How to make the plot results fit to the position of the map?
Check the coordinates manually on the map.
I tried to input the codes, but the results different from the videos. The line plot from the MatLab didn’t fit with the map.png. any suggestion?
Maybe, you can open the map with Paint on Window and then check and update the locations of the cities. Maybe the map has been distorted a little bit, due to uploading and downloading from my web.
How do you insert the map?
Have a closer look at the code for more details
location points do not match with the image What should the dimensions of the map.png file be? The dots slide on the picture.
You can update the locations based on your image size
Can I get Matlab code for Transit Route Network design Problem using Genetic algorithm ?
Yes, it is possible but some modification is needed.
Olá, preciso de uma versão com o mapa real do google
I need a more advanced version where the google map is live and dynamic
Great suggestion. Thank you!
Respected Sir
Thank you for your effort .Can you tell me the type of selection, crossover and mutation that you used in the given problem?
You may have a look at the full code for more details.
Can we get the code TSP in Python or Graph Query language like Cypher.
Hello, I don’t know that version
Source code for GA and Hybrid GA for TSP is there a difference?
Yes, there are several versions of GA for TSP
can you make me a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm program for TSP using matlab
I think I have done that. Please check my youtube channel: Solving Optimization Problems. Thank you!
I already paid for the Membership Code ID: 026, how can I download the codes?
Please contact me by email. I will send the code to you by email.
Hello sir! I want to pay my membership with card. Please allow
Paypal or crypto only. Sorry!